With Wanda you can:
Once you've entered your timesheet and saved it, Wanda asks if you want to send it for approval or save it as a draft to update later with Wanda or in Unit4 ERP.
You can say for example Do timesheet to start the timesheet entry. Wanda shows your recent timesheet periods and you choose the one you want to enter time for.
You can also add time directly to a day or week by saying, for example, I worked 8 hours yesterday on project Ipcress, or 20 hours last week project Alpha.
Wanda uses the following timesheet information to automatically generate daily or weekly timesheets and provide suggestions for project codes and work orders etc.
Your planned work and absence comes from the People Planner Experience pack installed on Unit4 ERP.
If Wanda doesn't list a project you want to register time for, this means you haven't registered time for this project in the last 8 weeks. In this case you need to go to Unit4 ERP and add the project to a recent draft timesheet and Wanda will then recognize it as a recent task.
If you want to make changes to a draft timesheet, then just say something like I want to update my timesheet., change timesheet or update time. Wanda then your timesheet and you can choose Change time to make your changes.
When you add time to a work task for a week, Wanda distributes this time evenly over the week. For example, if you work a five day week and you add 10 hours to a certain work task, Wanda adds 2 hours to each day. This allows you to add your time quickly and easily, and if you need to change the time for certain days then you can just ask Wanda to change time for the individual days.
To keep things simple Wanda just uses the default task values for things like work order and cost center when you add time to a work task. If you want to change any of these values for a work task, then you need to do this in Unit4 ERP.