If you're a manager then you can ask Wanda to show your assigned Tasks and quickly complete them with Wanda. If you need to review a task first, then you can do this in the Wanda Tasks web view. Wanda flags your important tasks and helps ensure your tasks are done on time by sending you notifications when tasks have been assigned to you or when a task is due.
If you're an employee then Wanda will give you the status of your submitted absence, travel and purchase requests, as well as your expense claims. To get the status of your submitted requests, just say something like status absence request or status purchase requests.
Wanda can currently help you with the following types of task:
This means that if you have responsibility for approving other types of tasks such as sales orders, then Wanda won’t help you with these and you’ll need to continue to take care of them in Unit4 ERP like you do now.
The Tasks web view allows you to view details for each task individually and see more options.