Wanda helps you to submit expense claims for single expense items, as well as for travel expense items such as transport, hotel and meals incurred during a single-destination trip.
You can submit an expense claim by saying for example submit expenses, or you can attach an image of a receipt to a chat message and Wanda will then extract the necessary information and guide you through the expense claim process.
Expense items are included in an expense claim along with the necessary accounting information such as cost center, project etc. When you add an expense item Wanda asks you to create an expense claim, attach it to an existing draft expense claim or create a new expense claim from an approved travel request if this exists.
You can save your expense claim as a draft to complete later, add and edit expense items as required and then submit it to Unit4 ERP for approval when it's ready.
Wanda keeps you posted on the status of your submitted expense claim by sending you a notification when it gets approved. You can also ask for the status by saying status expenses.
You can update and delete expense claims that are saved as a draft or sent for approval. To update an expense claim say update expenses, and to delete an expense claim say delete expenses and Wanda shows the expense claims you're able to change.
Wanda uses receipt recognition to read an image file of your receipt and extract what’s needed to process your expense claim. You can upload an image of your receipt as a PNG, JPEG, TIFF or PDF file.
Wanda best recognizes images which have a clear background with good contrast. Images should also be in focus and taken as head on as possible to give Wanda the best chance of being able to read it correctly.
Note that images uploaded to Facebook Messenger cannot be analyzed due to the way the image is resized by Messenger.